Bukan la sekarang. Tapi proses "merisik" dah selesai. Sebenarnya tak payah merisik pun, pasal confirm2 la kitorang memang dah kenal lama dan bercadang untuk kahwin. Tapi this is more for the benefit of our families. Nak bagi our immediate family members kenal each other.
At first I wanted to have it later, nearer to the wedding date, so that tak payah bertunang. Tapi sebab issue tertentu, terpaksa percepatkan, supaya relationship nih tak ke tong sampah je.
Next is majlis pertunangan. Yang ni pulak adalah requirement mak bapak aku supaya orang tak mengata. Kononnya kalau terus kahwin tanpa bertunang, nanti orang cakap dah terlanjur la, bunting la... Jadi, untuk mengelakkan kontroversi, majlis pertunangan telah ditetapkan pada 19.02.2012.
Ye, tarikh 19.02.2012 tu tak cantik pun. Tarikh cantik tu tak penting bagi aku. Aku cuma nak kahwin!
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Right to vote
I personally feel that only Malaysians that are residing in Malaysia and Malaysians that are affected by the Malaysian Government policies should be allowed to vote and it should stay that way forever.
Seriously, why would I want a person who lives thousands of miles away and not contributing a single sen of tax money gets a say in something that might have a significant impact on my life for next few years? I much rather that we let non-Malaysians, who are permanent residents here, to vote. At least they are making a life here and may be affected by the election results.
Yes, Malaysia is a democratic country. But if a person had chosen to work and resided overseas, that person is no longer part of the democratic society that I am in; hence, does not deserve the right to vote.
(Ehem, aku tak berani post kat FB pasal malas gaduh. Tapi inilah pendapat sebenar aku)
Seriously, why would I want a person who lives thousands of miles away and not contributing a single sen of tax money gets a say in something that might have a significant impact on my life for next few years? I much rather that we let non-Malaysians, who are permanent residents here, to vote. At least they are making a life here and may be affected by the election results.
Yes, Malaysia is a democratic country. But if a person had chosen to work and resided overseas, that person is no longer part of the democratic society that I am in; hence, does not deserve the right to vote.
(Ehem, aku tak berani post kat FB pasal malas gaduh. Tapi inilah pendapat sebenar aku)
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Phone i i-Phone
Alkisah punca kejadian ialah seorang demi seorang complaint pasal phone aku sepanjang minggu nih. Somehow bila aku call orang atau orang call aku, suara aku dengar sayup-sayup malu kucing seolah-olah aku ada kat North Pole. Selama nih memang bf aku complaint memanjang pasal masalah mic phone aku nih, tapi aku buat tak tau je. But since tiba-tiba ramai sangat complaint, aku tak bleh la buat tak tau lagi kan, so aku pun beli la phone idaman kebanyakan orang lain iaitu i-Phone.
Reason sebenar kenapa aku beli i-Phone ialah sebab aku rasa kamera dia agak berkualiti. Memandangkan aku tak pernah periksa kualiti kamera phone lain, aku tak bleh nak buat comparison la kan? So, secara default, memang i-Phone je la pilihan yang ada.
Ternyata ia pilihan yang bijak, sebab walaupun aku bangang gila bab teknologi dan tak pandai snap gambar, i-Phone banyak free apps yang boleh tolong enhance gambar-gambar yang buruk itu.
To be continued!
Monday, February 28, 2011
What was I thinking?
Aku google private investigator tadi. haishhh, betul takde keje lain. I should start a new hobby. I'm thinking of starting a diary of my mom's best recipes and learn to cook like her to perfection. What do you think?
As for psych-ing myself out over my man's affair with another woman, which may or may not currently exist, I need to get a grip before it totally ruin my relationship. Someone, please slap me (preferably not in the face and nowhere near the temporarily disabled right shoulder).
On a totally unrelated topic, I grabbed my facial wash this morning and almost use it as toothpaste.
As for psych-ing myself out over my man's affair with another woman, which may or may not currently exist, I need to get a grip before it totally ruin my relationship. Someone, please slap me (preferably not in the face and nowhere near the temporarily disabled right shoulder).
On a totally unrelated topic, I grabbed my facial wash this morning and almost use it as toothpaste.
Monday, July 12, 2010
What was my mother thinking?
If I ever get married and have kids, I will try to remember not to serve coffee for breakfast. My kids should never grow up knowing that coffee doesn't do a thing to wake their brains up. I would let them experience, like a normal person should, drinking 10 cups of coffee in less than two hours just so they can stay awake to witness that legendary goal by that legendary player who will make everyone forgets who Diego Maradona was.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Back when I was in standard 2, I like to play "kejar-kejar" (chase and tag?? ok, english aku tak bagus sangat, whatever). My school was a really old school, a row of classes like "rumah panjang" (long house) and we had a huge field where we usually play. When school was over, it also became a playing ground for a lot of other living things (hantu pun ada, but that is a whole other story).
If you've played "kejar-kejar" before, you know that the person who's "it" will chase the rest and you're supposed to squat when you're caught and the game will end when everyone has been tagged by "it".
Back to my story, I was playing with a bunch of friends when I was tagged. So I squatted la. Naturally, when you squat, you wouldn't put your hands up, right? So, I put my hands down on the grass. I like the feeling of grass, it's cool and smells nice... most of the time.
Alas, what I touched on that day definitely didn't smell like grass, didn't look like grass and it had texture like nothing I have touched before. Yes, you read the title of this post. You know what it is.
I suspected it was cow dung.
The best part of the day was no one noticed or saw that I had poo in my hand. How was that even possible?? The nearest water tap was wayyy on the other side of the school. Half the school would have seen me ran like crazy.
God is really great.
If you've played "kejar-kejar" before, you know that the person who's "it" will chase the rest and you're supposed to squat when you're caught and the game will end when everyone has been tagged by "it".
Back to my story, I was playing with a bunch of friends when I was tagged. So I squatted la. Naturally, when you squat, you wouldn't put your hands up, right? So, I put my hands down on the grass. I like the feeling of grass, it's cool and smells nice... most of the time.
Alas, what I touched on that day definitely didn't smell like grass, didn't look like grass and it had texture like nothing I have touched before. Yes, you read the title of this post. You know what it is.
I suspected it was cow dung.
The best part of the day was no one noticed or saw that I had poo in my hand. How was that even possible?? The nearest water tap was wayyy on the other side of the school. Half the school would have seen me ran like crazy.
God is really great.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
On height and veggies
Tadi aku hantar barang ke umah kawan kakak aku naik motor. Masa tunggu kawan tuh keluar, ada la budak kecik perempuan dua orang kagum tengok motor aku.
"Tinggi la motor akak nih."
"Memang tinggi pun. Kalau awak ada hati nak naik motor tinggi2 camni, makan la sayur byk2 supaya besar nanti awak tinggi," aku saja je cakap camtu (padahal aku rasa cikgu aku kata untuk tinggi dan membesar lebih sihat dan kuat kena makan daging -- dan minum milo).
"Masa akak kecik dulu akak tak suka makan sayur ye?"
"Tinggi la motor akak nih."
"Memang tinggi pun. Kalau awak ada hati nak naik motor tinggi2 camni, makan la sayur byk2 supaya besar nanti awak tinggi," aku saja je cakap camtu (padahal aku rasa cikgu aku kata untuk tinggi dan membesar lebih sihat dan kuat kena makan daging -- dan minum milo).
"Masa akak kecik dulu akak tak suka makan sayur ye?"
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